Yet again a group
wed never heard of has become, overnight, the topic of obsessive
national discussion. The mass suicide of the Heavens Gate
cult also throws an interesting light on
who killed themselves wouldnt describe their deaths as
suicide. The word begs the question of religious truth. Their
definition of the act was that it was a graduation to a
level above human. They werent ceasing to live, but
advancing to a higher life.
this doctrine is true, and the rest of us have missed the celestial boat. But
at a more humdrum level, Id venture to predict that Heavens
Gate wont have the staying power of, say, Judaism.
after the Heavens Gate graduation, the Union of Orthodox Rabbis of
the United States and Canada created a storm by declaring that Reform and
Conservative Judaism arent Judaism at all, but another
religion even an alien religion.
dont say such things in this ecumenical age. Reform and Conservative
Jews were quick to denounce the declaration. It was doing
damage by refusing to accept certain converts as Jews, said
one Reform rabbi. Another said that millions of Jews find religious
meaning and authenticity in Reform and Conservative Judaism.
Orthodox find such objections beside the point. They consider the obligations
of the Torah, 613 commandments in all, divinely ordained. It isnt a
matter of feelings, secular utility, or pluralism. Its a matter of truth.
To the
modern eye, Orthodox beliefs may seem as irrational as the creed of
Heavens Gate. Theres one little difference. Torah Judaism is
well into its third millennium. It has proved its power to sustain its
adherents. Its irrational traditions may be indefensible in
terms of modern ideology, but this may merely mean that modern ideology
doesnt comprehend the inner strength of those traditions.
![[Breaker quote for
Religion, Old and New: Heaven's Gate and pluralism]](2007breakers/071108.gif) The creed of the sexual
revolution, for example, seems like common sense to most educated people
today, but it has brought nothing but social destruction. The strict sexual
and tribal morality of the Orthodox, on the other hand, has preserved them
not only from the curses of disease, abortion, and family dissolution, but
also from the deeper loss of modernity: loss of identity.
Orthodox dont define themselves in terms of negatives like
anti-Semitism, persecution, victimhood, and the Holocaust. They dont
let the Hitlers determine their identity. They define themselves by allegiance
to the covenant of Abraham and the law of Moses. And their instinct tells
them to preserve their tradition to the letter, against all modern pressures.
To many
moderns, the very fact that a belief is old is almost enough to condemn it, or
at least reduce it to the status of an uninteresting irrelevancy. This is an
amazingly superficial attitude. If we can find historical and archeological
fascination in the records of societies long since defunct, we should have not
only fascination but also profound respect for an ancient way of life that still
works and may well survive when modern civilization is gone.
Assuming, that is, that when modern civilization goes, it doesnt
take everything else with it. The demise of the Heavens Gate cult
may prefigure the end of a civilization that has forgotten the most basic
truths about human nature in pursuit of a thousand fads. As G.K.
Chesterton remarked, when people stop believing in God, they
dont believe in nothing theyll believe in anything.
faith of the Enlightenment was that once man cast off the superstitions of
religion, rational common sense and general harmony would prevail.
Reason and science would improve on tradition
and create a better world. That attitude may have been understandable
after centuries of religious war. But some people still hold it after a century
of wars that make the Reformation wars seem like the Era of Good Feeling.
Religion can mean many contradictory things, from the latest
fads to the most fad-proof fidelity to the eternal. The most ghastly thing
about the Heavens Gate sect is that its members sacrificed
themselves to beliefs so evidently silly. It was like a mass suicide at a
Star Trek convention. One more warning that its risky
to roll your own religion.
Joseph Sobran