Nearly all discussion of politics
overlooks a constant but hidden factor: blackmail. We can never
know the extent to which our rulers are secretly ruled by others who know
their dark secrets. And Washington, like most cities, is full of dark secrets.
the 1996 election, for example, it has transpired that Bob
Dole was afraid to make an issue of Bill Clintons character because
he was afraid that his own extramarital affair, many years earlier, might be
revealed. I first read about it in the New York weekly The Village
Voice at the very end of the campaign.
I have no
reason to believe that the Clinton team ever threatened Dole. That might not
even have been necessary. Doles anxiety might have been enough to
intimidate him: The guilty flee when no man pursueth.
though, that the Clinton campaign had wanted to scare Dole away from
the character issue. It could have been done without an overt
threat, just by letting him know, even indirectly, that the Democrats knew
the name of Doles former mistress.
things are more unnerving than learning that your enemy has learned things
you dont want your own family to know. One reason the two parties
seem so friendly to each other is that each is afraid of what the other might
do in an all-out fight. Both have a lot to hide. And since keeping secrets is
harder in the media age than ever before, the problem is likely to keep
getting worse.
Opposition research, as its tactfully called, is
an integral part of the Clinton modus operandi. It includes hiring investigators
to gather dirt on potential adverse witnesses. It includes illegally
requisitioning FBI files on prominent Republicans. It has reportedly included
putting a political enemys credit card receipts on the front page of
an Arkansas newspaper.
![[Breaker quote for Blackmail in politics: Dark secrets in Washington]](2008breakers/080226.gif) Once
you possess damaging information about your
adversary, you can do several things with it. You can save it for a crucial
moment. You can discreetly let him know you have it. You can leak it to the
press. Or you can publicize it yourself, as both a punishment to him and a
warning to others not to cross you.
Clinton trash team has made examples of several women, thereby
discouraging others from telling their stories. If you say you know something
about Bill Clinton, you can bet hes going to know something about you.
techniques arent new. A certain Senate majority leader a generation
ago was known for his ability to collect the guilty secrets of his colleagues.
When he needed their votes, he made sure they were keenly aware of what
he knew about their private lives. He didnt have to bully them; he
could simply needle them with a rough joke that told them hed
somehow heard about that weekend in Las Vegas. They got the point as
surely as if theyd awakened that morning to find a horses
head between the sheets.
We know
that several presidents have used the FBI and IRS against their opposition.
But we dont know how many times this has happened without coming
to light even many years after the fact. Such things may remain
permanently hidden from the most diligent historians. Just as we have no
way of calculating how many crimes go undetected and unpunished, we can
only guess how large a part blackmail plays in politics.
As long
as there is sin, there will be blackmail. No reform can get rid of it. It can take
many forms, not all of them illegal or provable in court. And it will always
remain a hidden factor. This means that we can never completely know who
controls our nominal rulers.
There is
no real solution, but there is a corrective. The weaker the government, the
less impact crime, corruption, and blackmail within the government can have
on the rest of us.
Men in
power are more criminal than people in general, not only because power
corrupts but also because most people who seek power are already corrupt.
This being so, the danger of blackmail is one more reason to limit the power
of government.
Joseph Sobran