To my shock, dismay, and
grief, a leading Shakespeare scholar recently referred to
neo-Marxists in the English departments of our universities.
He wasnt criticizing such scholars; on the contrary, he called them
men and women of the greatest independence of mind.
how you can exempt yourself from the crimes of Marxism by
adding the prefix neo. A neo-Nazi isnt usually regarded as a
higher life form than a regular old Nazi, but a neo-Marxist is supposed to be
unrelated to the folks who gave the world the gulag, the reeducation camp,
and the vast boneyards of Siberia, China, and Cambodia.
Whats more, the original Marx is being honored with a fancy
new edition of The Communist Manifesto, which is now 150
years old.
So Marx is
good, and neo-Marxists are good. It was just the people who ruled countries in
the name of Marx who were bad, you see. They betrayed Marx
Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Castro, Pol Pot, and the rest of those brutes.
Was there
anything about Marxs ideas that made them especially susceptible to
betrayal? This is the question youre not supposed to
ask, because the answer is so obvious. When an idea is
betrayed every single time its put into practice, the
fault doesnt lie with the practitioners alone.
There has
never been a humane communist regime. Marxism is inherently totalitarian. It
recognizes no moral limits on the state. Its the most convenient
ideology for aspiring tyrants; it also retains its appeal for intellectuals, who
have proved equally skillful at rationalizing abuses of power and at
exculpating themselves.
If the
tyrants had really betrayed Marx, youd expect the
true-blue Marxists to be nervously vigilant against pseudo-Marxist despots.
But they never are. They are always willing to trust every new ruler who acts
in the holy name of Marxism.
The most
successful ideology of the 20th century denied any divine element in man or
the universe warranting modesty in the state. That meant the end of
privacy. People were punished for their thoughts even thoughts they
hadnt had yet, but which the Marxist rulers could predict they would
have because of their class membership. (Scientific socialism
didnt have to wait until they had really committed crimes, not even
![[Breaker quote for Are You a Marxist?: Communism is dead; Marxism lives on.]](2008breakers/080304.gif) There
are few avowed Marxists left, and not many neo-Marxists. But the
Marxist style has left its mark on the liberal political culture of the West,
especially in the area of civil rights. The peculiarity of
civil rights and associated legislation (hate
crimes, for instance) is that they criminalize motives, as opposed to
The oddity
of these laws lies in this. You have the traditional rights of property and
association, provided you dont exercise them with forbidden motives.
You may hire or refuse to hire whom you please, for example, as long as the
persons race or sex isnt your chief consideration.
But since
those who discriminate in the forbidden ways arent
likely to admit their real motives, the state can only judge their motives by
results, which means statistical patterns. By the same token, the only way
to prevent accusations of discrimination is to make sure you
hire a safe number of women and minorities, even if you have
to pass over some white males you judge more suitable on the merits.
In other
words, the only way to avoid a charge of discrimination is to discriminate.
Conservatives who think you can have civil rights
without quotas are deluding themselves. Such civil
rights are essentially different from civil rights in the old sense,
because, far from being limitations on the state, they authorize new state
powers of intrusion. Sooner or later, they must both rely on quotas as
evidence and prescribe them as remedies.
We are
indebted to Marx for the general assumption that everything is the
states business, and that even privacy is something that can exist
only by the grace of the states rather suspicious permission.
An idea
has really triumphed when people are no longer aware that there is any
alternative to it. Like the Moliere character who finds he has been speaking
prose for 40 years without knowing it, many of our politicians have been
practicing Marxism all their lives without realizing it.
Joseph Sobran